The best Elixir libraries by category. Contribute to szTheory/elixir-bestlib development by creating an account on GitHub.
8 Aug 2018 A string is a UTF-8 encoded binary. By default, elixir will read and write strings in UTF-8, so the CSV file we generated above will be UTF-8 31 Jan 2019 Littlelines agency offers expert and dependable Ruby on Rails, Elixir, Binary. HTTP/2 transfers information in binary, which is more efficient and less rather than waiting on one large file to download, as before — this is 23 Nov 2018 Elixir's MIME is a read-only and immutable library that embeds the Returns the MIME type related to the given file extension. Phoenix, Tesla, Swoosh, etc., and have been downloaded almost 6 ext -> type(downcase(ext, "")) _ -> @default_type end end defp downcase(<
:droplet: Learn the Elixir programming language to build functional, fast, scalable and maintainable web applications! - dwyl/learn-elixir The best Elixir libraries by category. Contribute to szTheory/elixir-bestlib development by creating an account on GitHub. An example blog app using Elixir, ReasonML and GraphQL - tmattio/elixir-reasonml-blog An implementation of TOML for Elixir projects, compliant with the latest specification - bitwalker/toml-elixir React SSR Framework for Elixir. Contribute to revelrylabs/elixir_react_render development by creating an account on GitHub. You write code and learn Elixir as you fulfill your tasks
23 Dec 2016 Phoenix, Elixir and Erlang are doing all the heavy lifting for you behind the scenes. DigitalOcean's droplets start without a swap file and I'd recomend adding compiled into binary bits and packaged into what's called a release. and gzip it, download it and SCP it to the other machines you configured. 18 Nov 2015 Phoenix is a framework for building HTML5 apps, API backends and distributed The entry file web/static/js/index.js loads the React container App 10 Aug 2015 P2P WebRTC file sharing app: Broker using Phoenix but it has the API to send raw binary data between two browsers as well. When receiver visits the unique URL, user can see the files shared and download the files. of the basics of how web socket communication works in Phoenix framework. A typical Erlang (Elixir) node can have millions of processes running on it. No, these are not your traditional OS processes — they are not threads, either. What is a hash function and how to calculate the hash strings and files in Elixir, using functions in :crypto module and Elixir Streams
31 Jan 2019 Littlelines agency offers expert and dependable Ruby on Rails, Elixir, Binary. HTTP/2 transfers information in binary, which is more efficient and less rather than waiting on one large file to download, as before — this is 23 Nov 2018 Elixir's MIME is a read-only and immutable library that embeds the Returns the MIME type related to the given file extension. Phoenix, Tesla, Swoosh, etc., and have been downloaded almost 6 ext -> type(downcase(ext, "")) _ -> @default_type end end defp downcase(<
Learn how to use Elixir 1.9 releases along with multi-stage docker builds